2nd Home - my thoughts...

Hello and Welcome.

If you're reading it, I'm guessing you are the owners of a 2nd Home or soon going to be.

I'd like to gather some of my thoughts, observastions in regards to how our clients see it and how we see it.

We've been looking after a number of 2nd properties in the Helmsley area for over 15, well ever since years we've been in the business. It all started of a cleaning side of things, very simply we got a cleaning job, on a very friendy basis..got the key to the house, agree when and how and what we do.
With time, additional bits started to come up, like "Can you Guys pop in and have a look if everything is fine, please?" - Of course, no problem. We always understood the importance of it, the responsibility that comes with it.
From simple things like "Can you please check if I've switched the lights off, or closed the window...?" to then more complex, like "Can you please get an electrician?".

In 2021 after a quite hard 2020 we've all had - we had a chance to consende all our experience, our knowledge and create packages to offer to our existine and new clients, to meet different needs.

So, from offering simple keyholding which can be a real 'life saver' - imagine, you've travelled to your house, 3-4 hours and realized you had forgot your key..! OR someone from your Family/ Friends did this. We had this happened so many times. Yes, of course you can have a key-safe, but this is not the same. Going this way, someone can say - I have a smart home, all cameras, alarm, all connected in ma phone's app. I don't need anyone as I can even open the front door from my phone. That's fine, this is all useful and great, and we use it ourselves (and we love all this stuf!) ...but it is not the same, it's great as a support but not as an end solution.

We've had some clients who want us regardless if they've been or they haven't. Some properties where we do weekly checks, sometimes it happens we get into the house where the owners had just left/yesterday for instance. But we still do the check properly, check for anything abnormal. We had a house where the oven has been left on, windows where left opened, the alarm wasn't on. So many different sitautions.